Body Confidence | Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful

Ive always wanted to post a "In my Calvins" shot on Instagram, but I always felt that my body wasn't perfect enough to do so.....but then again what Is perfect? 

On a daily basis Images are shoved in our faces of things and people that we (apparently) should "deem" as perfection. From airbrushed images to boosted booties, some may feel the pressure to keep up with what the definition of beauty has become. I myself have felt the pressure, I spent a lot of 2015 constatly putting myself down. Before social media I was so comfortable in my skin, I felt the best kind of beautiful. Fast forward a few years, and I found myself caught in a web, a web I never dreamt of being caught in. I found myself stuck in a place where I questioned my beauty. "Am I thin enough?" or "Am I tan enough" basically every stupid mediocre question one could ask themselves. Now, I'm quite a strong minded women, so for me to feel this way, got me thinking about how others may feel, especially those who are on the outside looking in. 

It saddens me that in this day and age social media has taken what the definition of beauty is, and turned it into something ugly. Don't get me wrong, its totally fine to admire someone else's beauty, but never let someone else's beauty define your own. 90% of images you see online, are probably airbrushed or manipulated, so it leaves you with a longing to look like something that doesn't even exist. So today I'm here to say screw the expectation, its time to mess with reality...


I'm over putting myself down and wondering if I'm good enough, and you should be too. Screw that girl with the thigh gap! she may well be beautiful, but so are you! screw that girl with that fat ass, she may well be beautiful, but so are you! Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes, and you don't ever need to let anyone or anything define or cloud your judgement of what that should be. 

The best kind of beautiful comes from a place that a mirror cant see, a place where " a like" or " a comment" doesnt mean a dam thing, and that place is from within you. I had to learn how to love myself over again, because I literally drowned in the ocean of "perfection" that I saw, day in and day out on Instagram. But after months of loathing, I realised that...

I am my own kind of beautiful and you are your own kind of beautiful, and that is the one thing that will forever keep you unique.

Do things that make you happy, things that make you smile. Wear your hair however the heck you want, hell...wear that yellow dress with orange wait...maybe dont do that lol. But you know what I mean, see more in yourself than anyone else possibly could.

I hope this post helps anyone that may feel, or perhaps felt the way that I did. We are all in this together, and im not about to sit down and act like I dont feel the same pressures that you do.

It would be great to hear your views on todays society,and what your definition of beauty is. And always remember...



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