Sleek Sheer Cover Lipsticks

Sheer cover lipsticks are a collection of frosty, semi-opaque shades. The texture is nice in a sense that it is soft and a bit moisturising. These are frosty, however, not in a retro kind of way (do you remember the obnoxiously frosty light pinks that were popular in the 90's and early 2000's? I still see a few girls wearing them today). You can see the tiny shimmer from really close, but from far away it looks more like sheen (not a glossy one though). Staying power is average, the colour lasted around four hours, but it doesn't survive eating or drinking. It fades evenly, unless you drink something, then you are left with a ring of colour on the edges of lips and no colour in the middle. They don't dry out my lips at all and don't feather. The packaging is a bit special, because the tube is oval and the colour is bright fuchsia. 

Sheer Cover so Sleekove manj prekrivne šminke s frosty finišem (z drobnimi bleščicami). Tekstura je med mehkejšimi in lepo zdrsijo po ustnicah, malenkost jih tudi negujejo. Frosty finish je viden od blizu, od daleč pa izgleda bolj kot rahel sijaj (ampak ne tak kot npr. pri Lip butterjih). Ni tako intenziven frosty efekt kot pri tistih svetlo roza odtenkih, ki so bili tako popularni v 90ih in okrog leta 2000. Bledijo enakomerno, razen če vmes ješ ali piješ, potem ti ostane barva le na robovih ustnic. Obstojnost je povprečna, na meni so zdržale dobre 4 ure in mi niso niti malo izsušile ustnic. Embalaža je malo posebna, ker je tulec ovalen in precej žive roza barve.

From left to right: Calico, Cashmere and Organza.
Od leve proti desni: Calico, Cashmere in Organza.

Calico is a nude-brown shade with a frosty finish. It's would probably be a nice nude on someone who's darker than me. It has the least pigmentation out of the three, but you can build it up to be more intense.  

Calico je nude rjav odtenek s frosty finišem. Na nekomu, ki je temnejši kot jaz bi bil to lep nude odtenek. Je najmanj pigmentiran od treh, vendar se lahko dobi kar nekaj barve z več sloji.

Cashmere is a dark brown-purple shade with frosty finish.

Cashmere je temno rjav odtenek, ki na ustnicah precej vleče na slivo s frosty finišem.

Organza is a medium blue toned pink with frosty finish. It reminds me a bit of Revlon Sweet Tart lip butter, with the difference that Sweet Tart is a bit warmer.

Organza je hladna srednje roza s frosty finišem. Primerjala sem odtenek s Revlonovim Sweet Tart lip butterjem in sta si podobna, le da ima Sweet Tart toplejši podton in nima bleščic.  
I received these lipsticks to review from Slovene online shop Za piko na i.

Šminke so mi poslali za oceno s spletne trgovine Za piko na i, kjer prodajajo tudi ostale Sleek izdelke, ki ji najdete tukaj - >Sleek.
Tag : lipstick, Sleek
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